Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday Arts

Oh hello there! Nice to see you again. Have you lost weight? Why yes I have, thanks for noticing Number One Millionaire readers. My oh my, it has been a while since I've seen you. I am unfortunately far too busy and important to post regularly. Lie. But, seeing as I am back in blogging world i should probably post something. Yes, good plan.

Yesterday I was at Jaimie's, we were lying around and lamenting what trashbags we are and discussing our soon to be transformation from ladettes (relatively speaking, we aren't THAT bad) to ladies (on another side note, don't you love the link to my last post? yeah, I am some kind of writing genius). So watch out people of Canberra, you may not recognise us when we start wearing tweed and pearls over our turtlenecks. Or you may recognise us because of it. Anyway, what I am getting to is that we were watching Sunday Arts and I was thinking what a sweet show it is and how it is now my third favourite Sunday TV show. They had a segment on Fiona Hall and her current exhibition, Force Field being held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney. So for today's post I will be putting on my rarely used and slightly dusty art history hat, so that I can swoon for a bit over the art of Fiona Hall.

She has this amazing way of taking objects and transforming them, sometimes unrecognisably, into something completely different. For example, her birds nests created from shreaded US one dollar notes, or her Paradisus Terestris series.

As well as works created from Coke bottles, video tapes and all sorts of other materials. Check it out if you are in Sydney, I plan to.

Here is a link to with more info on Hall, if you are all interested. It has lots of photos of her works and links to articles as well.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, what a coincidence, both Travis and I were watching the same thing at his place pre-yum cha!

As far as it goes, what she described as political satire in her work is hardly formative without pre-conceived notions of a pessimist attitude in the rhetoric sphere, which she suggests exists. Therefore the purpose of irony in her work only fails due to the impending fact her point was based on a reality. As for my point? She's as pretencious as the words I've just written... Mind you her work, on a creative level, is quite pleasant and awe inspiring.

Although I did so thoroughly enjoy the segment on 'WTF ' and that singing idiot accompanied by the double-bassist. What a clown.

Julia said...

and you've gotta love that sardine tin porn. pure genuis.