Just when I thought animals had reached their height of comedic genius,

I need a new body. As much as i love mine, it's failing me and my medical expenses are getting ridiculous. Anyone wanna play swapsies?
After today's trip to the surgeon I feel this band and this song (which happens to be one of my all time favourites), is somewhat appropriate.
Is it just me or does this year just keep getting worse?
Bearded men who sing? Fuck yeah!
So, I was out with my friends the other night when a friend of mine pointed out a potential love interest. He was all, "Hey J-Dizzle, check it out, it's your ultimate man! He looks just like Jesus!". It was then explained to me that over the past few months my penchant for bearded men with hair of moderate length has grown exponentially, resulting in, apparently, an obsession with men who look like Jesus.
Okay, so maybe I've got a new "type". I guess it was time I graduated away from liking skinny, prepubescent boys in tight jeans, but I'm not sure I'm cool with my new found hair lust.
Jake Gyllenhaal? Fuck yeah!
Skarsgard? FUCK YEAH!
Then again, really, it could be a lot worse.
What about you chickas? How are we feeling about men with beards? Is my hair lust gross, or on trend? Seriously, I'm a little confused about how my hair lust has developed...